About 225 results
sit a lone come get a lit tle known /But I need more than my self this time \Step from the road to the sea
\Ly ing on the sand, watch ing sea birds fly, /wish ing there would be /some one wait ing home for me.
/There is a sea son ... Turn! Turn! Turn! /And a time to every pur pose un der Hea ven.
Dolan - kar by Mike M (1/3/00) \We walked to the sea /Just my fa ther and me /And the dogs played a round on
Sutherland) <<< @T>>> I-Scream Music Productions, ejes 1996 <<< \I am sai ling, I am sai ling /Home a gain 'cross the sea
like you /Ea si ly a mused /Find my nest of salt /E very thing's my fault /I'll take all the blame /A qua sea
your shoes get so hot you \wish your tir ed feet were fi re proof /Un der the boa rd walk, /down by the sea
@LENGL @LENGL \Da y drea m er, /Sit ting on the sea, /Soa king up the sun.
point in time /that it's clear /The fu ture looks bright /On that train /all gra phite and glit ter /Un der sea
\Snowdrops and daffodils /Butterflies and bees /Sailboats and fishermen /Things of the sea /Wishing wells /Wedding bells
\Per do na si te es toy /lla man do en es te mo men to \pero me ha cia fal ta /es cu char de nue vo \aun que sea
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @KV0100 @I Lyrics entered by Raphael Pungin @I raphael@cnct.com @LENGL @TSWEET DREAMS (ARE MADE OF...
MDR SOFTWARE @E-mail: mdr@lgs.it \First the tide rush es in /Plants a kiss on the shore \Then rolls out to sea
\When he has trav elled the land and the sea, /He'
Buffett @TKaraoke by Raphael Pungin (raphael@cnct.com) \As the son of a son of a sai lor /I went out on the sea
learnt from this /And I've learned it ver y well \Now I know that you are not /the on ly star fish in the sea
And folks dressed up like esk i mos /Eve ry bod y knows a tur key and some mis tle toe /Help to make the sea
ma y chill the air /I don't care \My love waits the re in San Fran cis co /A bo ve the blue and win dy sea