About 310 results
Stewart \On a mor ning from a Bo gart mo vie /In a coun try where they turn back time \You go strol ling through
\An en chant ed mo ment /and it sees me through.
but you can ne ver hide /From the shadow that's creep ing up be side you \And there's a ma gic run ning through
\O h, Lo rd, through the re vo l u tion /Feed the ba bies, /who don't have e nough to eat. \Shoe the
/Find it, I know it will pull you through. \Get on your feet /Get up and make it ha
Pungin @I RAPHAEL@CNCT.COM @LENGL @TVISION OF LOVE @TMariah Carey \Trea ted me kind /Sweet de sti ny \Car ried me through
marcio@marxin.com \Life is a wa ter fa ll /we're one in the riv er /and one a gain af ter the fa ll /swimming through
And my mother laughed /The way some la dies do \When it's late in the e vening /And the mu sic's see ping through
life with a wave of her hand /No bo dy can de ny there was some thing there \There, run ning my hands through
\He was caught in the mid dle of a des per ate fight /And she could n't find how to push through.
\Through the clouds I see love shine, /it keeps me warm as life grows cold e r.
you, yes I love you /Ohhh how I love you \Gaz ing at peop le, /some hand in hand /Just what I'm go ing through
://www.toplist-team.com/ @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @Ttitle @Tauthor \Called you on the phone /Said I'm com ing through
KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TTelephone line @TElectric Light Orchestra \Hel lo how are you /Have you been al right, /through
/Am I get tin' through to you? \Hel lo /Is it late there?
sic starts /Stran gers mak ing the most of the dark /Two by two their bod ies be come one \I see you through
\Like the drip, drip, drip of the rain drops, /when the sum mer show er is through. \S
my fan ta sy room /You're gonna like it the re /And all the things that I do /I'll treat you right /All through
/You wait for the sun /But it nev er quite comes /Some kind of mes sage comes /Through