About 563 results
back your lo ve a gain /I will be there, I will be there /Love, on ly love /Can bring back your lo ve some
hole /A lit tle se cret that no bod y knows \Life is a gam ble, a game we all play /But you need to save some
/I was soft in si d e there was some thing go in' o n /You do some thing to me that I can't ex pla i n /Hold
TTommy Tutone @TArranged by Robbie Morris Karaoke Lyrics By Zatgirl \Jen ny Jen ny who can I turn to /you give me some
\Some where there's a hole in a win dow pane. /Do you think I'm to blame?
cof fee \And he fills it /On ly half way \And be fore /I e ven ar gue \He is loo king /Out the win dow \At some
\Ba by, if I made you mad /for some thing I might have said, \Please, let's for get the past, /the fu ture
let it die /With no good byes /De tails don't mat ter /We both paid the price /Tears in my eyes /You know some
in the mail /And your lit tle angel hung the cat up by its tail /And your third fian cee did n't show \Some
are one /Dry ing in the co lour /of the eve ning sun / /To mo rrow's rain will /wash the stains a way /But some
Cause there ain't no cure for the summer time blues Solo 2- Well My mom'n'papa told me, "Sun,you gonna make some
KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TI'm a Believer @TMonkees \I thought love was on ly true in fai ry tales /Meant for some
I can't help fall ing in love with you \Like a riv er flows sure ly to the sea /Darl ing so it goes /some
Lauriane Madison @Thttp://laurianemadison.free.fr @T @T \Won't you talk to me /This is so out of hand /Out of hand /Some
/Jo Jo left his home in Tucs on Ari zon a /for some Cali for nia grass /Get back! Get back! /Get back!
ISequenced by Dieter Burek @LENGL @TBREATH OF LIFE @TErasure \Ne ver had a point of you /Cause my mind was al ways /Some
\Take a look through his to ry, /Re cant some bits of po e t ry, \You'll find the wo rds /Still ring tr ue, \
one or two /I re mem ber there's a ra dio /Co min' from the room next door /And my mother laughed /The way some
you cleared my mind /I sold my soul, you bought it back for me /And held me up and gave me dig ni ty /Some
\Cause I'm /Try in' to ex plain /Some thin's wrong /Ya just don't sound the same \Why don't you /Why don't you