About 408 results
peo ple on the street /Were walk ing hand in hand in hand \They used to talk a bout the wea ther /Ma king
/I'm loo king out for an gels /just try ing to find some pea ce.
HIGHWAY @TDewey Bunnel - America @TLyrics Entered by GSR MIDI Sequence by GSR \Chew ing on a piece of grass /Wal king
ing fast, co ming soon /We made love in the af ter noon \Found a flat, af ter that /We got mar ried \Wor king
/Thin king of the fear I've had for so long. \When some bo dy hears, /lis ten to the fear that's gone.
do in the mid dle /of the e vening is hold you tight /Ro san na, Ro san na \I did n't know you were loo king
Productions, ejes 1997 \I'll keep wor kin' my way back to you, babe /With a bur nin' love in side \Yeah, I'm wor king
any where \So I look a round /and I noticed there /wasn't a chair \I sat on a rug, /bi ding my time, /drin king