About 459 results
band /I don't know where he went /So I'm gon na drink my mo ney /I'm not gon na pay his rent (Nope) /I got
\I stopped an old man along the way /hop ing to find some long for got ten words /or ancient me lo dies.
feel your heart beat /I can hear you brea thing in my ear \Would n't you a gree, ba by you and me, /we've got
one and one is all /We want to hear \All 'round the world /Lit tle chil dren be ing /Born to the world /Got
Does n't mean I'm h u rt /Does n't mean I did n't /get what I de serv e /No bet ter and no worse \I just got
\And just be cause I call you up, /don't get me wrong, /don't think you've got it made.
Kept cry ing but /And ring ing in my ears /Don't cry dad dy /Dad dy, please don't cry /Dad dy, you've still got
@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TDANCING IN THE DARK @TBruce Springsteen \I get up in the eve ning, /and I ain't got
green /We'd go down to the ri ver, \And into the river we'd dive /Oh down to the ri ver we'd ride /Then I got
\Some are hap py, some are sad, /oh, we got to let the mu sic play, mm.
guys ain't dumb \May be get a blis ter on your lit tle fin ger /May be get a blis ter on your thumb \We got
Just take those old re cords off the shelf /I sit and lis ten to them by my self \To day's mu sic ain't got
\I got ta han dle you just right, /you know what I mean.
/You got plans to make me one of four or five. \I guess this kind of thing's j %- %+
Fire @TBruce Springsteen \Hey lit tle girl is your dad dy home /Did he go away and leave you all a lone /I got
\Tho we got ta say good bye for the sum mer, /dar ling, I prom ise you this: \I'll send you all my love
/Down by the ri ver side's \bound to be a bet ter ride /than what you've got planned.
@LENGL @TSAVING ALL MY LOVE FOR YOU @TWhitney Houston \A few stol en mo ments is all that we share /You've got
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @MSKS @Universal Lyrics Editor @MDR SOFTWARE @E-mail: mdr@lgs.it \(M) I got chills, /they're mul