About 453 results
\When I stand here tak ing eve ry breath with you, /ooh ooh.
\I've had it to here /Be in' where
TABBA \No more care free laugh ter /Si lence e ver a fter \Walk ing through an e mpty ho use /Tears in my eyes \Here
/There's no thing here has
\There's a par ty go ing on right here. /A ce leb ra tion to last through out the years.
cent when I talk /I'm an En glish man in New York \See me walk ing down Fifth A ven ue /A walk ing cane here
head /Your mind tricked yo u to feel the pain /Of some one cl o se to you /leav ing the game of life \So here
\Oh can't you see me stan ding here, /I've got my back agai ns t the re cord ma chine \I ain't the worst
/Here's some thin' that you're nev er gon
thing bet ter than you are to day \I know a place where you can get a way /It's called a dance floor /and here's
/De de de de \And here's to you, Mr s.
/Now it looks as though they're here to stay. /Oh I be lieve in yes ter day.
/In fact here's just an o ther or din a ry day. \No a pril rain, no flo wers bloom.