About 567 results
Joao Campos @TEmail: joao_campos@grupo.bfe.pt \If I can reach the stars, /Pull one down for you, /Shine it on my
Dan West \You're rul ing the way /that I move /And I breathe your air /You on ly can res cue me /This is my
ven /M y dre ams would come t r u e \'Cause a l l I've ev er wa n ted /I s y o u /And you a lo n e /And I love
On ly you can make the dark ness bright /On ly you and you a lone can thrill me like you do /And fill my
know could spark le and shine /Day dreams slide to col or from shad ow /Pic ture the moon glow that daz zles my
on shin ing /Why does the sea rush to shore /Don't they know it's \the end of the world /Cos' you don't love
Feel the fever James Swinburne CAN'T GET YOU OUT OF MY HEAD: Cathy Dennis & Rob Davis.
dark ened room /and you're all a lone /look ing out the win dow /your heart is cold and lost /the will to love
entered with WinKaraoke Creator 1.1 @LENGL @TI Will @TBy the Beatles \Who knows how long I've loved you /You know I love
\Well she looked at me, /and I, I could see, /That be fore too long I'd fall \in love with her.
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TWhere Do I Begin ( Love Story theme ) @TShirley Bassey \Where do I be gin /To tell the
/And how much love could make you whole?
sum mer night the stars were shin ing bright /One sum mer dream made with fan cy whims /That sum mer night my
de light ful, unu su al /That clas sic sen sa tion, senti men tal con fu sion \Used to say "I like Cho pin" /Love
/Your love is like a sol dier /Loy al 'til you die /And I've been look ing at the stars /For a long, long
gain /I thought a bout it \You treat me like I'm a prin cess /I'm not used to li king that /You ask how my
\The sun's in my heart /and I'm rea dy for love.
15/05/96 @W @W*************** Have Fun **************** @W \Give a lit tle bit /Give a lit tle bi t of your love
>>> I-Scream Music Productions, ejes 1996 <<< \Ba by let me be /Your lo vin' te ddy bear /Put a chain a round my
ken heart /But time has stood still /Since we've been a p art \I Can't Stop Lov ing You /So I've made up my