About 515 results
/He must have been a gar den er that cared a lot, /who weed ed out the tears and grew a good cro %- %+
\If you see the wo nd er of a fa iry tale? /You can take the fu tu re ev en if you fail.
\The room was hum ming hard er /as the cei ling flew a way.
\I was think in' 'bout park in' the oth er night. /We was out on the back road.
muy den tro de mí \E lla me a tra pa con su red /Con sus en can tos de mu jer /Tan tas ve ces qui se cre er
\Hey Mis ter Dream sell er where have you been, /Tell me have you dre ams I can s e e e?
\Said you'd give me light, /but you nev er told me 'bout the fire.
Hey True Blue /Hey True Blue /Give it to me straight /Face to face /Are you real ly dis ape ar ing /An ot h er
\You could nev er know what it's like.
Palleschi @Ie-mail: vince@risc.ifam.pi.cnr.it @LENGL @TRuby Tuesday @TThe Rolling Stones \She would nev er say /where
Tell me now baby is he good to you /Can he do to you the things that I can do \I can take you high er
me so I can't sleep at night /You reall y got me /You reall y got me /You reall y got me \Seed don't ev er
is warm and ten der /A love that I could not for sake \'Cause I'm your la dy /And you are my man \When ev er
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @V0100 @LENGL @TStrangers In The Night @TFrank Sinatra \ Strang ers in the night ex chang ing...
EasyKAR @LENGL @TTEQUILA SUNRISE - Don Henley - Glenn Frey @TLyrics Entered by GSR @TMIDI Sequence by GSR \It's an oth er
/When you re quire street car de sire /for high er heig (c) 1994 INTERNATIONAL MIDI HITS Edizioni Milano Publishing
/Born a babe on Beth leh em's plain; \Gold we bring to crown Him a gain; /King fo re ver, ceas ing ne v er,
tricked yo u to feel the pain /Of some one cl o se to you /leav ing the game of life \So here it is a noth er
your fa mily and they need you there \Though I've tried to re sist be ing last on you list /But no oth er
\I guess I nev er told you /I'm so hap py that you're mine. \If I made you feel the se cond