About 563 results
/Al rea dy I'm so lone some I could die.
/And I went for some can dy and \al ong came Jim Dan dy, /and they slipped right out the door.
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TMaggie May @TRod Stewart \Wake up Mag gie, I think I've got /some thing to say to
/Here's some thin' that you're nev er gon
I need some body /Help! Not just an y bo d y /Help!
see the won der of a fai ry tale /You can take the fu ture e ven if you fail \I be lieve in an gels /Some
go wher ever we want to, /do what we like to do /We don't have time to get rest less, \There is al ways some
ny smile up on his face; \For John ny has a se cret, /and this se cret he must share, \he wants to tell some
was sim ple, /and I thought that I don't be long, \and now that I am leav ing , /now I know that I did some
blue \The t v's on /but the on ly thing sho wing is a pic ture of you \Oh I get up and make my self some
slow \I've been a fool be fore would n't like /to get my love cought in the slam min' door /How about some
\So I'm back to the vel vet un der ground, /back to the floor that I love, /to a room with some lace and
. / Oh, ho, the mist le toe / Hung where you can see, / Some bo dy waits for you / Kiss her once for me. /
very thing you can to es cape /The pain of life that you know \When all else fails and you long to be /some
TBy The Beatles \One day you'll find /That I have gone /For to mor row may rain /So I'll fol low the sun \Some
ried me through des pe ration /To the one that was wai ting for me \It took so long /Still I be lieved \Some
\The sig nal's sound ing on ce a gain /and some one tries the door knob /None of my friends would be so stu
Raphael Pungin @I br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TLIKE A VIRGIN @TMadonna \I made it through the wil der ness /Some