About 673 results
Matson) <<< @T>>> I-Scream Music Productions, ejes 1996 <<< \Love me ten der, love me sweet /Ne ver let me go /You have
say "I Love You" /Are you sin cere /When you say "I'll be true" \Do you mean ev er y word /That my ears have
bright /One sum mer dream made with fan cy whims /That sum mer night my whole world tum bled down /I could have
and crew /Like a man just re leased from in den ture \As a drea mer of dreams and a tra ve ling man /I have
said our good byes /The night be fore /Love was in your eyes /The night be fore \Now to day I find /You have
/You don't have,
KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TThe Wind Cries Mary @TJimi Hendrix \After all the jacks are in their box es /and the clowns have
/Have mer cy. \A haw, haw, haw, haw, a haw. /A haw, haw, haw.
1996 <<< \Thank you for com ing home /I'm sor ry that the chairs are all worn /I left them here /I could have
\So then I took my turn /Oh what a thing to have done /And it was all "Yel low."
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TRed Rubber Ball @TThe Seekers \I should have known /You bid me fare well /There's a
, we are gol den /And we've got to get our selves back to the gar den \Then can I walk be side you /I have
LENGL @TTake The Long Way Home @TSUPERTRAMP @TKaraoke by Filipe Bento <fbento@unave.ua.pt> 17/05/96 @W @W*************** Have
\Now you could spare a kiss or two and still have plen ty left.
/A rich old man and she /won't have to worr y; \she'll dress up all in /lace and go in style.
was so in vit ing, /some thing in your smile was so ex cit ing, /s ome thing in my heart told me I must have
/I have on ly come here seek ing know ledge, /Things they would not teach me of in col lege.
bill /And I know a spot right o ver the hill \There's sod a pop and the danc in's free /If you wa nna' have
\I don't have much mon ey but, boy if I did, /I'd buy a big house where we both could live.