About 1087 results
\Ch iq ui tita, tell me what's wrong /You 're enchained by your own s orrow /I i i in your eyes there is
le brate \Just one day out of life /It would be, it would be so nice \Eve ry bo dy spread the word /We're
* ENGL * We're Going To Ibiza * Venga Boys - kar by deus@thepentagon * kar by karaokemania
may be high \But I can't see a thing in the sky /'Cause I on ly have eyes for you \I don't know if we're
KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LEngl @TCan't stay away from you @TGloria Estafan @TKaraoke by H. de Koning \Time fl ies wh en you 're
Il faut savoir Charles Aznavour \Il faut sa voir en core sou ri re /Quand le meil leur s'est re ti ré /Et qu'il
words ha ve been spo ken /It ain't ea sy /But It's on ly love \And if your life ain't worth livin' /And you're
cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TTHE SIGN @TAce Of Base @TMIDI sequence by Raphael Pungin \I got a new life you would har dly re
@KMIDI KARAOKR FILE @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TStupid Girl / You pre tend you're high / You pre tend you're bor
\Said, said, said I re mem ber when we used to sit /in the gov ern ment yard in Trench- town.
Pungin @I email: br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TTHE SING @TAce Of Base \I got a new life you would har dly re
Forced out of his own company by former protégé Darren Cross, Dr. Hank Pym (Michael Douglas) recruits the talents of Sco...
to know /That some thing was n't right here /Oh ba by ba by, /I should n't have let you g o \And now you're
/You feel her eyes all o ver you like cheap per fume /You're beau ti ful, but mis un der stood /So why you
\They're made of lip stick, plastic and paint, /a touch of sable in their eyes.
I Like Chopin @TGazebo \Re mem ber that pia no, so de light ful, unu su al /That clas sic sen sa tion, senti men
de meil leur \Qu'est ce qui pour rait sau ver l'a mour /Qu'est ce qui pour rait sau ver l'a mour /et com ment re
ery thing you are /and ev ery thing you were /your num ber has been called \Fights and bat tles have be gun /re
free /From de so la tion and de spair /And I feel /Like eve ry thing I sow /Is be ing swept a way /Well I re
/If they move too quick (Oh-Ah-Oh), /they' re fall ing down like a do min o.