About 160 results
@unix.infoserve.net) \I'm so young and you're so old /This my dar ling I've been told /I don't care just what
\When ev er we meet, /What ev er the sweet oc ca sion, /Where an gels won't go /I go with no per sua sion.
\Well look y here look y here /Ah what do we have?
/You can have the love you need to live.
/When a man loves a wo man, /He'll spend his very last dime /try in' to hold on to what he needs.
you /Wher e ver you are ~ ~ /And I've got to be there /I'm wi shing on stars ~ ~ /I have got to re veal what's
and wai ting /Ooh she's sit tin' with you but her eyes are on the do or \So ma ny have paid to see /What
\I knew, you'd love me as long as you want ed. /And then some day, /You'd leave me for some bod y new.
Tlife @THADDAWAY \Life life will ne ver be the /life life will ne ver be the sa me \time is get ting old /what
waste my time on you My deepest of secrets Trust you to keep 'em Hiding the worlds You cannot say I got what
are show ing /Look at this li fe /I still don't know where it's go ing /I don't know much /But I know I love
Gets Blue /Her eyes get gray and cloud y \Then the rain be gins to fall /Pit ter pat ter, pit ter pat ter \Love
Carey - Sent from up above @TBy Lauriane @Tlaurianemjj@hotmail.com @TJuin 20041 \I don't wan na live wi thout your love
/And if she could on ly hear me, /this it what i'd say: \Hon ey Pie, /you are ma king me cr a zy.
MacDonald \Fly me to the moon /and let me play /a mong the stars /Let me see what spring is like /on Ju pi
@LENGL @TNever Gonna Give You Up @TBy: Rick Astley @TWritten by: Stock, Aitken and Waterman \We're no stang ers to love
Astley (1987) @T(Words & music: Stock/Aitken/Waterman) @TI-Scream Music Productions, ejes 1997 \We're no stran gers to love
Raphael Pungin @I email: br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TUNFORGETTABLE @TIrving Gordon \Un for get ta ble that's what
/Ta king all the cash and lea ving you with the lum ber \ Got a pain in the chest /Doc tors on strike \what
on day aft er day /Hearts torn in ev e ry way /So ferr y cross the Merc y \Cos' this land's the place I love