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two of us guys /You know I love you more \It took me by sur prise I must say /When I found out yes ter day
the wall \If she's gone I can't go on /Fee ling two foot small \E very where peo ple stare /Each and e very day
TLEMON TREE - Fool's Garden / I'm sit ting here / In a bor ing room, / It's just a no ther rai ny sun day
got years and years \The pains of sev en teens /Un real they're on ly dreams \Save your cry ing for the day
Raphael Pungin @I raphael@cnct.com @LENGL @TCAN'T STAND LOSING YOU @TThe Police \I've called you so ma ny times to day
It's a song which was originated and sung by Anggun C Sasmi. Long before his name was popular and known to the world, An...
/We're gon na rock, rock, rock, /'til b road day light. \We'
dy's free to feel good /Eve ry bo dy's free \Bro ther and sis ter /To ge ther we'll make it through \Some day
动漫school days片尾曲
kno got to have one good girl whose always been there like ya /Kno took all the bull shit /then one day
\Oh the morn ing sun in all its glo ry, /Greets the day with hope and com fort too, /And you fill my life
/The bright bles sed day, the dark sac red night. /And I think to my self what a won der ful world.
\It's a nice day to start a gain /It's a nice day for a white wedd ing /It's a nice day to start a gain
you in hea ven /Would you help me st a nd /if I saw you in hea ven /I'll find my way /through night and day
\I've been hid ing all my hopes and dreams a w ay, /Just in case I ev er need 'em a gain some day.
/And you know it's Fri day too. \I hope you can find the time /this week end to re lax and un wind.
/get crushed /bet ween the good and bad /from pres sures we have had /but you know I can /con ceive the day
/Eve ry move you make \Eve ry bond you break /Eve ry step you take /I'll be wat ching you \Eve ry sin gle day