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www.gangqinpu.com/cchtml/890395.htm 非常还原滴谱,,,,效果就是一整个喷大泪,,,,,最后那段狠狠给重复了六遍、、 试听midi不能还原鲁特琴音轨的音高,可以用白猫的试听网站试听:https://midiex.ffxiv.cat
Cendrillon 04.えれくとりっく・えんじぇぅ/Electric Angel 05.千本桜/Senbonzakura 06.裏表ラバーズ/Two-Faced Lovers 07.炉心融解/ Meltdown 08.ネコミミアーカイブ/Cat
下载后可前往 https://midiex.ffxiv.cat/ 试听游戏内效果
网站midi试听不能反映实际演奏效果,可以用选择白猫的试听网站试听:https://midiex.ffxiv.cat/# (拂晓之间-一般通过屑人,意思是缺合奏可以找我(那种表情)
新版大合奏演起来很流畅 提前完工() 曲谱是musescore上搜刮的我也忘了作者是谁了 给他磕一个jpg (游戏内钢琴配大提我觉得是最合适的 (实际效果请看 https://midiex.ffxiv.cat/。
改到7轨,没有条件合奏的可以通过大合奏作者做的试听网页听,地址https://midiex.ffxiv.cat/ 希望大家都能找到陪自己合奏的朋友。
the kind of tea cher /Wo men would de sire \Ra- Ra- Ras pu tin /Lov er of the Rus sian queen /There was a cat
gun \She o pened up her eyes and thought /oh what a mor ning \It's not a day for work /It's a day for cat
Vết mưa-Vũ Cát Tường
Scorpions Bad Boys Gone Wild
members.tripod.com/jeridu/ Please do not distribute edited version GM/GS file, Optimised for Roland SC-88 Pro or equivalents Written by Cat
do or \So ma ny have paid to see /What you think you are get tin' for free /The wo man is wild a she- cat
\She is like a cat in the dark, /and then she is the dark ness.
\She'd been drink ing too much egg nog, /and we warned her not to go, /but she for got her med i cat ion,
\All those nights when you got no lights, the check is in the mail /And your lit tle angel hung the cat