About 198 results
\For all we know we may nev er meet a gain, /Be fore you go make this mo ment sweet a gain.
Doctor Jones Aqua SynVox @TDoctor Jones @TAqua @LENGL \Some times the fee ling is right /you fall in love for the
/I got my flo wer, I got my po wer, /I got a wo man who knows! \I said it's al right!
by Per Gessle \In a time, where the sun des cends a lone /I ran a long, long way from home /To find a heart
Mariah Carey - Circles @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE \E ver since you left me /I've been try ing to hide the pain /Pain
sum mer night the stars were shin ing bright /One sum mer dream made with fan cy whims /That sum mer night my
/Babe I know that it's your soul /but could you bot tle it up?
Rolling In The Deep \There's a fi re /Star ting in my heart /Reac hing a fe ver pitch /And it's bringing me out
/And 'though it's al ways /sweet sor row to part, /You know you'll al ways /re main in my heart.
@I Lyrics entered by Patrick Matte @LENGL @TIF I FELL @TThe Beatles @T(Lennon/McCartney) \If I fell in love with you
/Start missing you. \Some bro ken hearts ne ver mend. /Some me mories ne ver end.
black ci ga rette /Start this day like all the rest /First thing every morn ing that I do /Is start missing you
FILE @LENGL @TGroovy Kind Of Love @TPhil Collins \When I'm feel ing blue, all I have to do /Is take a look at you
\Blue Moon you saw me stand ing a lone /with out a dream in my heart,
/I can hear your heart beat. /Bam! Bam! Bam! /Ev ery bo dy move your feet. /Bam! Bam! Bam!
KARAOKR FILE @LENGL @TC:\WINDOWS\Desktop\cant_fight_the_moonlight_-_lea / Un der a lov er's sky I'm gonna be with you
lost in the sound of our hearts beatin' 迷失在心跳的节奏里 Take me here take me now 就带我一起 就带我一起吧 Gettin' lost in a crowd with you
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TSoldier Boy @TShirelles \Sol dier boy /Oh, my lit tle sol dier boy /I'll be true to
/But all my wor ry, /left in a hur ry, /and here's the rea son why: \Rhy thm and ro mance, /Ro mance and rhy
smiling The beautiful sky is shining Feel the summer wind a-blowing Even though I'm just a little goat I'm smarter than you