About 185 results
best with Timbres of Heaven @TSound fonts and Coolsoft Virtual Midi Synth @Tavailable free from www.midkar.com \Hak wa
unix.infoserve.net) \i tsu mo na ra a na ta no saido shi i to de /ku ru ma wo su be ra su pre cious night /ky an se lu no den wa
best with Timbres of Heaven @TSound fonts and Coolsoft Virtual Midi Synth @Tavailable free from www.midkar.com \Gor wa
ddy bear /Put a chain a round my neck /And lead me a ny where /Oh let me be /Your te ddy bear \I don't wa
KARAOKE FILE @L5:00 @TJesnita @TExists @TRRME & MIDIMELODY.RU / MIDISFREE.COM \Jes ni ta, /Ka li per ta ma, /Ter pan dang wa
WATERLOO (1974) <<< @T>>> Lyrics & Music: Bjorn & Benny <<< @T>>> I-Scream Music Productions, ejes 1996 <<< \My my, at Wa
/Reur hen chun /Pen kon barn nork korg nar /Mai ruk chun gor mai wa /Tae ya ma riak kun lum yai...
/The way I live for y o u /I 'd be in he a ven /M y dre ams would come t r u e \'Cause a l l I've ev er wa
hope, to ca rry on /You light up my days /And fill my nights with song /Ro llin' at sea, adrift on the wa
@IVersion 1.0: 4/5/96 @ 1457 hrs CST @LENGL @TMegami Wa Utau - A Goddess Sings @TA!
the leaves are brown /And the sky is grey \I've been for a walk /On a win ter's day \I'd be safe and wa
the on ly one I got \Not mu ch of a girl friend /Never se em to ge t a lot \Take a jum bo acros s the wa
\And all the birds in the trees, /well they'd be singing so hap pi ly, /joy fu l ly, p lay ful ly wa tching
T"KaraKan"oked by Filipe MS Bento 11+12/05/1996 \IN THE MORNING YOU GO GUN NIN G /FOR THE MAN WHO STOLE YOUR WA
/Con tem pla ting a crime \She comes out of the sun in a silk dress run ning /Like a wa ter col or in the
\Show me the mean ing of being lon ely /Is this the feel ing I need to wa
There's no one like you /I can't wait for the nights with you \I i mag ine the things we'll do /I just wa
Meta @LENGL @TAerials @TSystem Of A Down @Tkar by marcio@marxin.com \Life is a wa ter fa ll /we're one in the riv
cious love /Bur ning so dee ply /Shi ning com ple tely /For you \So blessed /A ma zing ly /Tou ching you now /A wa
Sara Bareilles - Love song @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE \Head un der wa ter /And they tell me to brea the ea sy for a