About 515 results
Headed Woman @TElvis Presley \Well a hard head ed wo man, /a soft heart ed man /been the cause of trou ble \ev er
Palleschi @Ie-mail: vince@risc.ifam.pi.cnr.it @LENGL @TI BELIEVE IN YOU / I don't be lieve in sup er stars, / or gan
/But peo ple from Mis sou ri /nev er in censed me.
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TI Feel the Earth Move Under My Feet @TCarole King \I feel the earth move und er My feet
\No more li ves torn a part /That wars would nev er star
London UK - 5Jan2014 @T2014 \In Rome there's a love ly tra di tion /that you may have heard of be fore; /when ev er
since I don't know when /So I made up my mind, it must come to an end /Look at me now, will I ev er
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TIn the Summertime @TMungo Jerry \In the summ er time when /the weath er is hot /You
http://politicalfolkmusic.org/posts/all_hell_cant_stop_us/ Now the final battle rages; Tyrants quake with fear; Ruler...
\A love ly se no ri ta caught my eye, /I stood en chant ed as she wan der'd by, /And nev er know ing that
to lose con trol /And there is some thing in your eyes /That's long ing for some more /Let us find to geth er
/Shoo Fly Pie and Ap ple Pan Dow dy /I nev er get e nough of that won der ful
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TI Will Follow Him @TLittle Peggy March \I must foll ow him /Ev er since he touched my
KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TBelieve Me Baby (I Lied) @TTrisha Yearwood \If there ev er was a ti me, that I could
And no re li gion too /I ma gine all the peo ple /Liv ing life in peace \Oooh Oooh you may say I'm a dream er
Heroes(We Could Be)2014 @TKar by Geoffrey Carter 3rd January 2015 \We go hide a way in day light /We go un der cov er
\Hit the top to geth er /Get y a with my spell /I'm gon na make my shot to night /Take you down to hell /
TChart Position: US No.35 @TKar by Geoffrey Carter 24th June 2014 \Steve: My friends think I'm an aw ful bore /Ev er
myself, /in the solitary gloom I call to myself \Hey there, you with the stars in your eyes, /Love nev er
\Good night, good night /un til we meet a gain, /A di os, au rev oir, /auf wied er sehn 'til then.