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A Tribute to Glenn Miller
Shadows-In the mood (Glenn Miller) HomePage: http://members.tripod.com/jeridu/ GM/GS file, Optimised for Roland SC-88 Pro
Song of the Volga Boatmen (From Glenn Miller's Method for Orchestral Arranging - 1943) Arrangement by Bill Finegan, Sequencing
Go Tell It On The Mountain
转自:https://musescore.com/user/34011496/scores/6439673 魔兽世界超燃音乐A Call to Arms由格伦·斯塔福德(Glenn Stafford)及杰森·海斯(Jason Hayes)创作
By Glenn William Wickline Generated by NoteWorthy Composer
Bush, Victor Crews, Derek Duke, Jason Hayes, Glenn Stafford 部落的力量(Power of the Horde) 演唱 萨姆维斯·蒂迪尔(Samwise Didier)
Moonlight Serenade "Moonlight Serenade" Transcribed for GMIDI by GaryW0001 (@AOL.com) Music by Glenn Miller & Mitchell Parish
目前全球范围内流传度最广泛的版本为Glenn Medeiros版。
My MIDI- EBZero- Train Ride Theme By Glenn Wickline Generated by NoteWorthy Composer