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'least I got the authors this time ^^ Slightly Remixed in the strings and I didn't know wether to use a vibraphone
Got something to say, write.
\You got mud on your face, /you big dis grace, /kick ing your can all o ver the place.
\She's got a store front down at Thir ty Fourth and Vine, /sel lin' lit tle bot tles of Love Po tion Num
\Come on boys, we need to dance, /We have got a good chance.
Ca lifor ni a dream ing /On such a win ter's day \Stopped in to a church /I passed a long the way \Well, I got
/And they got a good thing go in' \when the words don't get in the way. \And when
\Hey, hey good look in' /What cha' got cook in' /How's a bout cook in' some thin' up with me.
/And the baz aar man by the Nile /He got the mon ey on a bet /For the croc o diles (Oh-Ah-Oh), /They snap
lyrics sequenced @Iby Jed Shlackman \Ed die wait ed 'til he fin ished high school /He went to Hol ly wood and got
sight yeah / Show me how you want it to be / Tell me ba by 'cause I need to know now / what we've got
\On the day that you were born /The an gels got to gether /And de cid ed to cre ate a dream come true /So
know you think I'm like the oth ers be fore /who saw your name and num ber there on the wall \Jen ny I got
KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TSpinning Wheel @TBlood Sweat and Tears \What goes up must come down /Spin ning Wheel got
ins tead /Pa tien tly wait to hear the words you've ne ver said /Fum bling through your dres ser drawer \For got
do things to you make your heart feel glad /Look in the sky, pre dict the rain /Tell when a wom an's got
all a round this town /And all that she could find was Earl \Well, it wasn't two weeks /That af ter she got
96 @W @W*************** Have Fun **************** @W \Take a look at my girl friend /She 's the on ly one I got