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re minor, BWV 935
Bach Orchestral Suite No.2 in B Minor BWV1067
Transcribed by Maelstrom Source: https://ichigos.com/sheets/330 "Organ short 600 million in C# minor" is a MIDI music
Sonata in A Minor Longo 438
Allemand from Suite in G Minor
将巴赫的D小调托卡塔与赋格改编成大调。 我将原曲听起来为大调的地方保留,但是原来小调的地方改成大调之后和原来大调的地方衔接部分听起来可能有点奇怪。。
Piano Concerto No.3 in C Minor, Op. 37 Mov't. 3 Rondo
柴可夫斯基 F小调第四号交响曲,作品 36,第一乐章:持续行板-有灵魂的中板-非常中庸,近乎行板-活泼的快板 Tchaikovsky Symphony No. 4 in F Minor, Op. 36, I.
Sarabande From the Suite in G Minor
Pastoral From the Suite in G Minor
Gavotte from the Suite in G Minor
Menuet from the Suite in G Minor
Gigue from the Suite in G Minor
Bach's B minor Mass: 19. Sanctus
Bach's B minor Mass: 20. Osanna
Courante from the Suite in G Minor