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Music by Septimus Winner, 1827-1902. (22 Apr. 1873) for General MIDI playback from "Peoples Ballads" for the Piano Forte or Reed
Tan" by Septimus Winner, 1827-1902 (17 May 1873) for General MIDI playback from 'Peoples Ballads for the Piano Forte or Reed
ETERNALF ETERNALF Fretl.Bs Slow Str Melody 1 Melody 2 Melody 3 Choir Ah Syn Vox Rev.Cymb Drums Reed Org E.Piano1 Nylon
General MIDI playback "Holy Spirt, Truth Divine" words by Samuel Longfellow "Holy Spirit, Light Divine" words by Andrew Reed
TKatty Perry \I used to bite my tongue and hold my breath /Scared to rock the boat and make a mess \So I sat qui et ly ag reed
Winner's Famous Farm Ballads for the Piano or Reed Organ (No. 1)
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TPerfect day @TLou Reed @TKaraoke by H.de Koning \Just a per fect day, /Drink San gri a
\Some say love it is a riv er /that drowns the ten der reed.
Banjo, Reed Organ, Jazz Gt, Fingered Bs and Drums. Last revised: June 2002.