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Clean Guitar TK 7: Jackslide (Some modules might not have this effect, but it's a bass slide which is commonly used in Boyband
won der if you think /of me at all \Do you still play the same rules now, /a lot of spe cial moves to /some
Cause there ain't no cure for the summer time blues Solo 2- Well My mom'n'papa told me, "Sun,you gonna make some
and bet ters /Watch ing out they don't four let ter /Fuck and kiss you both at the same time /Smells like some
bet ter \I feel so un sure /as I take you hand /and lead you to the dance floor \As the mu sic dies, some
that I'm one of the lu cky peo ple /Your love is mak ing me strong \I've had enough /Bad love /I need some
jing led to /A song that I had on ly sang to just a few /She saw my sil ver spurs and said let's pass some
entered by Raphael Pungin @I br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENG @TLIVE TO TELL @TMadonna \I have a tale to tell /Some
Lyrics entered by Raphael Pungin @I br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENG @TLIVE TO TELL @TMadonna \I have a tale to tell /Some
I tried to be like you /And I got swept a way /I did n't know that /It was so cold and /You need ed some
risc.ifam.pi.cnr.it @LENGL @TIn_my_life @TLennon/McCartney \There are pla ces I re mem ber all my l i f e, /though some
/I will be right here wait ing for you \I took for grant ed, all the times /That I thought would last some
more \Years since you've been the re /Now you've dis ap peared so me whe re, li ke out er spa ce /You've found some
cock ta il bar /When I met you \I took you out, I shook you up and turned you a round /Turned you in to some
@TMadison Avenue @Tkar by Mike M (November 2000) \You and me we had an op por tu ni ty /And we could make it some
Together By Avril Lavigne Generated by NoteWorthy Composer @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE \Some thing just is n't ri ght /I can
\Some times when I'm down and all al one, /I feel just like a child with out a home.
TO @TPatti La Belle / Celine Dion @TKaraoke by Raphael Pungin (raphael@cnct.com) \Used to be that I be li eved in some
heart / But the ve ry next day you gave it a way / Th is year / To save me from tears / I'll give it to some
\So I'm back to the vel vet un der ground, /back to the floor that I love, /to a room with some lace and