共找到 512 条结果
till dawn \No thing but blues and El vis /And some bo dy el se's fa vorite song \Give us some funked up mu
room next door /And my mother laughed /The way some la dies do \When it's late in the e vening /And the mu
ly the sen ses /A ban don their de fen ces \Help less to re sist the notes I write /For I com pose the mu
Never Forget the Dear Ones Composed by George Frederick Root (1858) for General MIDI playback Dedicated to the Western V...
Pitt-Payne in London UK \Suite for Pi ano for te /THE THREE ELIZ A BETHS /- I - /HAL CY ON DAYS /(El iz a beth Tu dor) /Mu
band \Home ward bound, I wish I was home ward bound /Home, where my thoughts es cape, at home, /where my mu
--------------------------------------------------------------------- equipment : we used software squencer Sonar, E-MU
Should 've known bet ter \I feel so un sure /as I take you hand /and lead you to the dance floor \As the mu
@T(Karaoke by Lucia Maria H.M.Leite) @T(Canta Brasil - http://www.geocities.com/lucialeite) \Yo sé que a ve ces tú mu
ches /from the mid day sun \I hear you whis per /and the words /melt e very one /but you stay so cool \my mu
Lyrics entered by Raphael Pungin @I br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TCRAZY FOR YOU @TMadonna \Sway ing room as the mu
they're kook y /Mys ter i ous and spook y \They're al to geth er ook y /The Add ams Fam i ly \Their house is a mu
/Oh I know that the mu sic is fine /like spark ling wi ne go and have your fun. /Laugh and si
ta en lo que ci do /con esta pa si ón /Si es que me de se as /Nena di me lo /por que por tu a mor /es toy mu
\PHANTOM /I gave you my mu sic... /made your song take wing...
jhames@ctv.es @W ************** \A ca ri cia mi en sue ño /el sua ve mur mu
a ra /C e mas di da da le mah tak ber ma ya /Ter bu ka hi jab di de pan ma ta /Se la mat ting ga l pa da se mu