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/No bur den is h e to bare, we' ll get there. \For I kno w he wou ld not encu mber me. /He ain't hea v
your kind \And so and so and so and so and so and so and so \I'll have to play \If you think you're get
gon na have a ce le bra tion \All a cross the world /In e ve ry na tion \It's time for the good times /For get
And I must get rount to it. /I ain't rea dy. \Crazy lit tle thing called love. \This thing called love.
vince@risc.ifam.pi.cnr.it @LENGL @TYou Can Leave Your Hat On @TJoe Cocker \Ba by take off your coat /real slow /get
\Ho ney if I get rest less, /ba by you're not that kind. \Don't go break ing my heart.
\Oh get you glad rags on. /Join me hon', we'll have some fun /when the clock stikes one.
With our love /a love that was so strong \And as I still walk on /I think of the things we've done \To get
/This is get ting se rious. /Are you thin king 'bout you or us. \Don't say what you're about to say.
by Raphael Pungin @I email: br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TTHESE ARE THE DAYS OF OUR LIVES @TQueen \Some times I get
you \You do n't lo ve me i t 's plain /I should have known /Y o u'd never sha re m y name /Why can't I for get
/There' s a fire with in my soul /Just one look and I can hear a bell ring /One more look and I for get
/We just get ting start ed /don't you tip toe.. tip to e...
der stan ding \I saw the sign and it o pened up my eyes /I saw the sign \No one's gon na drag you up /to get
KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TThat lately @TMusic skunk anansie \Some times all the mo ments /that we sa voured for the last /get
@LENGL @TEASY LOVER @TPhil Collins \Ea sy lov er /She'll get a hold on you be lieve it \Like no o ther /Be fore
ny things I want to say \I will al ways love you /I will ne ver leave you a lone \Some times I just for get
js here getting some points
Sgt Pepper's The Album File
/Then I look back at you /You try to say /The things that you can't un do /If I had my way /I'd nev er get