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fraid, I was pet ri fied /Kept thin kin' I could ne ver live /with out you by my side \But then I spent so
I love this song so much that I stayed on the computer from the morning untill midnight and finished it in one day.
I was bored so I thought it could be k' to make this. Anyways, maybe I will post the full thing besides the lead. Enjoy.
空白的结果 I DON'T WANT TO BY YOUR SIDE ANY MORE 你的脸孔已经被我识破 是时候我要离你而去,重新过生活 一开始我很,很,很自信 到最后我很,很,很清醒 我在自信和清醒的中间 已经出卖了我自己 SO
Someone made it and i'm just posting it to earn points so i'll delete it. Cuz i forgot who posted it :D
Team ArCTiC DEVICE=Basic So.MDV MMOPT:0,1,0,0,1,0,35,0.010000,0.020000,1.364910,30,0,0,7 MMOPT:0,1,0,0,1,0,35,0.010000,0.020000,1.364910,30,0,0,7
/And so how am I ev er /to know? /You on ly tell me /Per haps, per haps, per haps.
ba lan ça do /É mais que um poe ma /É a co isa mais lin da /Que eu já vi pas sar \Ah, por que es tou tão so
me till the night is gone 你抱着我直到曙光来临 oh my little heart really blue apart 我的心难过得都要碎了 when you touched me 你抱我的时候 you hold so
Ss 4end
such a love ly dear \He could preach the bi ble like a prea cher /Full of ec sta cy and fire \But he al so
\Take on me, /(Take on me) \Take me on /(Take on me) \I'll be gone /In a day or two \So needless to say
: 想要妳聽到我的新歌 最簡單的情歌 有點笨的情歌 因為 就怕妳覺得我只是說說的 以為我在騙人 感覺妳會誤認 我 如果妳願意相信 我的男子氣 可以比一比一下了 我也相信妳的心 妳的孩子氣 girl So
Scary Chicken Gang Bang Marilyn Manson (GW Gacy) If you liked it, then tell me so... msaxto1@gl.umbc.edu
/You know you want me /So don't keep say ing our hands are tied.. \You claim it's not in the cards..
Both my remix and this midi are designed so that if you were to place them perfectly lined up with each other and the original
this god damn house right down \Oh I know I know I know I know I know I know \a bout your kind \And so
email: br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TI FEEL LOVE @TDonna Summer @TMIDI sequence by Raphael Pungin \Oooooh /It's so