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have come to show you go on \Near, far, wher e ver you are /I be lieve that the heart does go on /Once more
TSynchronisé par JPP - 07 mai 1999 \The first thing I re mem ber /I was ly ing in my bed /I couldn't of been no more
\Har mo ny and un der stan ding /Sym po thy and trust a boun d i ng /No more false hoods or de ri sions, \Gold en
strong \I've had enough /Bad love /I need some thing I can be pro ud of \I've had enough /Bad love /No more
ing to send /Beau ty I'd always missed /with these eyes be fore /Just what the truth is /I can't say a ny more
) \I step off the tra in /Walk ing down your street a gain /Pa st yo ur do or, you don't live there an y more
the floor, /Or you can tell my lips to /tell my finger tips, \They won't be reach ing out /for you no more
tried /Were in my life just to get high on \When I sit a lone come get a lit tle known /But I need more
/Hang ing on the pro mis es /In the songs of yes ter day /An' I've made up my mind /I ain't was ting no more
\You're grown /So grown /Now I must say more than ever /Come on, Eileen /Too Ra Loo Ra Too Ra Loo Rye
With no vivid rea son he re to find /Yet the thought of los ing you's been hang ing /round my mind \Far more
co min` up for air /I`m gon na live my time /For the rest of my life /Then I`ll be co min` /Back for more
lone /Be lieve me when I beg you /Don't ever leave me a lone \When you told me you did n't need me any more
\And a black wid ow spi der makes /more sound than she.
come back ba by /To the poor side of town \ \To him you were not hin' /But a little play thing \Not much more
\I look once more, /Just a roun
Laura> @T<Scissor Sisters> @T<Words by Midime > \Lau ra, can't you give me some time, /I got to give my self one more
\'Cos I love you, but I can't talk a ny more. /There's a look I can't des cribe in your eyes.
/Now, there's no more ba by, ba by, all night long. \She called me ba by, ba by, all night long.
/No more false hoods or de ri sions, /gol den li ving dreams of vi sions, /mys tic crys tal re