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转自:https://musescore.com/user/22570626/scores/5652553 演唱 Lyn 填词 Benjamin Franklin 作曲 目黑将司 收录专辑 PERSONA5 ORIGINAL SO...
Don't Speak Music: No Doubt MIDI:David Daigneault Play It Loud Come get more at http://www.earthlink.net/~sargpepp67
Nightglow 「Honkai 3rd」(崩坏3印象曲) 多音轨,主旋律单独通道 原音乐信息: 作词:尹纯青 作曲:蔡近翰 编曲:宫奇、Luna Safari 混音:宫奇 制作人:蔡近翰 歌词: The way...
Control Settings @rem project=you will come as a lightening @set tempo=185 ¤³¤Î¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ëÐÎʽ¤ÏÓè¸æo¤¯ä¸ü?
have fa llen down /And through I try to pick them up \There's so ma ny I think I'll down /Ten days have come
自扒谱,适当借鉴从b站学来的和弦搭配 附中英文歌词 喜羊羊 美羊羊 懒羊羊 沸羊羊 慢羊羊 软绵绵 红太狼 灰太狼 别看我只是一只羊 绿草因为我变得更香 天空因为我变得更蓝 白云因为我变得柔软 别看我只是一只羊...
Kuenster \I saw three ships come sail ing in /On Christ mas day, on Christ mas day /I saw three ships come
\Come on, Bar bie, let's go par ty !
WinJammer Demo
came home last night \The Good Book in her left han d and a /Roll in' pin in her right \She said you've come
/But now I re al ize that I could /nev er let you go, /and I've come to tell you so.
. / Come on Barbie, let - s go party!
what will you do, /May be you'll sit and sigh /wish ing that I /were near, then, /May be you'll ask me /to come
give the world a way /To have you by my side /Oh I'm, so in need /Each and eve ry night I pray /You'll come
> > /That is how I know you go on /For a cross the dis tance /And spaces bet ween us > > > /You have come
we sit in si len ce /A fter all is said and done /On ly emp ti ness in side us /Ba by, look what we've be come
ing rain /And the mo ment that you wan der far from me /I wan na feel you in my arms a gain \And you come
dry your eyes \We - /so tired of all the /dark ness in our lives /With no more an gry words /to say can come