共找到 73 条结果
\When we found her Christ mas morn ing, /at the scene
Ooh ooo ooo /You can dance /You can jive /Hav ing the time of your life /Ooh, see that girl, /watch that scene
Gently Dip the Oars on the Placid River By George Frederick Root (1873) for General MIDI playback No. 4 from "Home Scene...
Chatterbox Gallop By George Frederick Root (1874) for General MIDI playback No. 9 from "Home Scenes: First Pieces for...
The Old Melodeon by Frederic Woodman Root, 1846-1916 (Oct. 16, 1894) for General MIDI playback from "Musical Scenes and...
Grandmother Tells a Ghost-Story Composed by Theodor Kullak. Revised by Karl Klauser. (1880) for General MIDI playback fr...
The Professor's Dilemma by Frederic Woodman Root, 1846-1917 (1894) for General MIDI playback A Recital in Song and Verse...
Tchaikovsky Lake Of The Swans Act 2 12mov
men /Who care not or ga ze with joy, \To see re flec ted there /The trees, the sky, the li ly fair, /The scene
TRochester NH 10/13/02 visit http://ricbnh.50megs.com/index-6.html \She was more like a beau ty queen /from a mov ie scene
Bjorn Ulvaeus \You can dance, you can jive /hav ing the time of your life, ooh \See that girl, watch that scene
dumbed down /and hope that /We will ne ver see the truth a round /So come on \A no ther pro mise, a no ther scene
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @KV0100 @I Lyrics entered by Raphael Pungin @I raphael@cnct.com @LENGL @TSEPTEMBER MORN @TNeil Diam...