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This is my first midi so dont be mad. have a nice day
Shiny Sky Shiny Days
推荐用钢琴 早早祝大家圣诞快乐 这么早是因为 诚哥死的早啊 新做了8人合奏版:https://www.midishow.com/en/midi/ff14-8-school-days-kanashimi-no-mukou-e-mi...
P5组曲串烧~一共七首组曲 曲目表: 1.Price 2.Sweat shop 3.The days when my mother was there 4.Freedom and Security 5.Ark 6.The Wh...
Happy Days
I love this song so much that I stayed on the computer from the morning untill midnight and finished it in one day.
\It's just an oth er man ic Mon day. /I wish it was Sun day. /'Cause that's my fun day.
At the end of the day your brain is just a meat computer in a bone cockpit piloting a skin robot!
Rok Balad 2 Demo 3
1.Twelve days of Christmas 2.White Christmas 3.Silent night 4.We wish you a merry christmas 5.jingle bells 6.Adests...
刘德华 忘情水MIDI歌曲
Nao biet nao hay - Qui sait France music
However, on the day that he is to be crowned, Thor reacts with brutality when the gods' enemies, the Frost Giants, enter
乐器使用竖琴,钢琴也可。改编自久石让吉卜力工作室动漫曲(也就是宫崎骏动画啦) 共六首 曲目表: 1.龙猫 —《风之甬道》 2.天空之城 —《innocent》 3.幽灵公主 — 《Legend of Ashitaka Theme》...
出处:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5yymTRSFXY 曲目列表(1~20): 00:00 Dimension Tripper 00:23 only my railgun 00:40...