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/Dig in the danc ing queen \Fri day night /and the lights are low /Look ing out for a place to go /Oh, where
we're forced to see /Do I want the per fect wife /The word per fect, ain't quite right /Shop ping ev ery day
whe re I'm going /But I sure know where I've be en /Hang ing on the pro mis es /In the songs of yes ter day
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @Tsmooth @Tsantana \Man it's a hot one /like se ven in ches /from the mid day sun \I
Seven Days...
love you /And if you should e ver go a way /Well then close your eyes and try \To feel the way we do to day
/And then some day, /You'd leave me for some bod y new.
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @V0100 @ILyrics entered with WinKaraoke Creator @LENGL My child arrived just the other day, Came to
@TVincent @TDon Mc Lean \Star ry, star ry night /Paint your pa lette blue and gray /Look out on a sum mer's day
@LENGL @TMANIAC @TMichael Sembello @TFrom the movie "Flashdance" \Just a still town girl on a sa tur day night /loo
created with EasyKAR @I(c) 1996 Vincenzo Palleschi @LENGL @TPIANO MAN @TBilly Joel \It's nine o' clock on a Sa tur day
Words @TLyrics @LENGL / Last Chris tmas / I gave you my heart / But the ve ry next day you gave it a way / Th
ing \Sit ting on a corn flake /Wai ting for the van to come \Cor po ra tion tea shirt, stu pid bloo dy tues day
a go in Beth le hem /so The Ho ly Bi ble say, \Ma ry's Boy child, /Je sus Christ was born on Christ mas Day
TLEMON TREE - Fool's Garden / I'm sit ting here / In a bor ing room, / It's just a no ther rai ny sun day
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @T 21 Guns @T Green Day @T mis en kar par boubou sur un midi trouvé par JC sur le net.
Simon And Garfunkel Red Rubber Ball
Pungin @I email: br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TGEORGIA ON MY MIND @TRay Charles \Geor gia, Geor gia, the whole day
\Then one day, I woke and she was gone. /Now, there's no more ba by, ba by, all night long.