共找到 129 条结果
AM THE WALRUS @TThe Beatles @T(Lennon/McCartney) \I am he as you are he /as you are me /and we are all to ge
/Joy ful, all ye na tions, ri se, /Join the tri umph of the ski es; \With the an ge lic host pro claim, /"Chri
. /& \Bi le smo nas dve /naj bo lje dru ge /Ko ses tre ro dje ne \Da lju bi{ is tog /ja ni sam zna la /Kri la
THE WORLD @TUSA for Africa \There comes a time /When we need a cer tain call /When the world must come to ge
\A ny one can see we're to ge ther /as we walk on by. \And...
ve ry na tion \It's time for the good times /For get a bout the bad times, oh yeah \One day to come to ge
\Th e words they speak t o ge t her /ar e beau ti ful and gran d, /yet not the wis est schol ar /their speech
Morais) @T(karaoke by Lucia Maria H.Matos Leite) \To da vez que eu vi a ja va /Pe la es tra da de Ou ro Fi no /De lon ge
bo dy's free to feel good /Eve ry bo dy's free to feel good /Eve ry bo dy's free \Bro ther and sis ter /To ge
Palleschi @Ie-mail: vince@risc.ifam.pi.cnr.it @LENGL @TKnockin' on Heaven's Door @TGuns'n Roses \Ma ma take this bad ge
mos num se gun do /As ve zes mui to per to /de se ja mos en con trá la /No en tan to é pre ci so /mui to lon ge
the street /Were walk ing hand in hand in hand \They used to talk a bout the wea ther /Ma king plans to ge
nice /If we were ol der /Then we would n't /Have to wait so long \And would n't it be nice /To live to ge
foi re de l'est pour deux pom mes /Une pe tite taupe mon père m'avait a che tée \Sou dain la chat te man ge
like Cho pin" /Love me now and a gain, wo oh \Rain y days ne ver say good bye /To de sire when we are to ge
Sara Bareilles - Love song @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE \Head un der wa ter /And they tell me to brea the ea sy for a...
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LMusic by H.M.Tennent - Lyrics by Reginald Arkell @TIf Winter Comes 1922 @Tby James Pitt-Payne, Lo...
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @V0100 @I @LFREN @TEtienne @TGuesch Patti \Hum na na na na /Na na na na na na na /Na na...
lights /my heart with in \And I'm sure /that you're an an gel /in dis guise \Come take my hand /and to ge