共找到 150 条结果
Accordio Choir Ah KALINKA Melody MusicBox Muted Gt Piano 1 Polysynt Saw Wave Shanai Steel Gt SynBass2 TR808 Dr Vocalist
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @V0100 @ILyrics entered with WinKaraoke Creator 1.1 @IBig in Japan @IBig in Japan @LENGL @TBig in J...
/Here, mak ing each day of the year /Chang ing my life with the wave of her hand /No bod y can de ny that
/She taught her ear ly how to smile /that smile and wave from the pa ra de /It took a whole lot of years
0 CHAN = 00 -> DIR (MELODY) AR = 255 DR = 0 SR = 255 RR = 127 Inst header (c1030): 00 3C 00 00 B8 CB 0C 08 FF 00 FF 7F Wave
get a blis ter on your lit tle fin ger /May be get a blis ter on your thumb \We got ta ins tall mi cro wave
ソフト 0 OFF 127 ON ビブラート・レイト ビブラート・レイト ビブラート・レイト ビブラート・レイト [saw wave