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【なんど君に恋して なんど君を恨んで/ 无数次的爱上你 无数次的恨着你】 【固く結んだ糸 僕を優しく縛る/坚固结成的线将我温柔的束缚着】 米奇头P离去之原三部曲的第三首 sm25672022/sm25673221 双本家,是基于Rib
\Cook ies bak ing in the kit chen, /Cards and rib bons ev' ry where; /Frost y, Christ mas mem' ries /Float like
dis tance, the ring ing of laugh ter /And in the midst of the laughter, he cries \Pret ty pa per, pret ty rib
/Caught be tween the Scyl la and Cha rib des. /Hyp no tized by you if I should li nger.
\Take the rib bon from my hair, /shake it loose and let it fall.