共找到 463 条结果
徐怀钰 (Yuki)-Taiwan
zhe bei zi wo men hai neng zai yi qi ma
Shar ing love /and joy \The child ren /with their toys /Sad ness fills \my heart /To see you g o /Christ mas
Brasil - Família Ribeiro - 1999 @Thttp://www.geocities.com/wribeiro/karaoke.html \Vo cê dis se que não sa be se não /Mas
Nice Memory Andy Cheng This is the first song composed by Andy Cheng with little help by Sunny Ma on 10 July 1999
The Indian's Prayer Composed by Isaac Baker Woodbury. (1845) for General MIDI playback To Luther Orlando Emerson (of Sal...
《Ain't Done Nothing if You Ain't Been Called a Red》由美国左翼音乐家艾略特∙坎南(Elliott Keenan)所作,菲斯∙佩特里奇(Faith Petric)演唱,通过世界产业工人联盟(I...
@K MIDI KARAOKE FILE @V0100 @IFile created with EasyKAR @I(c) 1996 V. Palleschi @Ie-mail: vince@risc.ifam.pi.cnr.it @LE...
time a go in Beth le hem /so The Ho ly Bi ble say, \Ma ry's Boy child, /Je sus Christ was born on Christ mas
Sonate Nr. 23 Op. 57 Appassionata
\All I want for Christ mas is my two front teeth, /My two front teeth, yes my two front teeth.
to do lo que fue /el tiem po lo de jo a tras /se que no re gre sa ras lo que /nos pa so /no re pe ti ra ja mas
Come In Old Adam, Come In! Words by Alice Cary. Music by C. F. Shattuck. (1870) To my Cousin Victoria, Boston, MA for Ge...
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TChapel of Love @TDixie Cups \Spring is here the sky is blue /Woh oh oh oh /Birds...
Thai - JAI SANG (Loso)
time a go in Beth le hem, /so the Hol y Bib le say, /Mar y 's boy child Jes us Christ, /was born on Christ mas
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TMEMPHIS TENNESSEE @TJohnny Rivers \Long dis tance in for ma tion /Give me Mem phis, T...
"You Light Up My Life" is a ballad written by Joseph Brooks, and originally recorded by Kasey Cisyk for the soundtrack a...