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be lie ve me /All you will see is a girl you once knew \Al though she's dressed up to the nines /At six es
/Ech oed voic es in the night, /she's a rest less spir it on an end less flight.
@TCuéntame - FORMULA V \E d i t a d o p o r " G L O M A R " \Cuén ta me /co mo te ha i do /en tu via ja r /por es
broke some hearts In and out of jobs run ning free Wag ing war with so ci e ty Dumb blank fac es
may run and hide /When youエre scream ing my name, all rig ht /But let me tell you now /There are pric es
\From a park near by hap py /sounds from a ca rou sel /You can al most taste the hot dogs \and french fri es
/Be tween the part ed pag es /and were pressed in /love's hot fe vered iron /like a striped pair of pants.
It took a whole lot of years and tears /For her mom ma to fi nal ly ad mit /No mat ter how ma ny stich es
/Do you know how to pick up the piec es /and go home? Mmm... \Rock %- %+ %- %+
/With eve ry Christ mas card I write /May your days be m er ry and bright /And may all your Chr ist mas es
FILE @V0100 @ILyrics entered with WinKaraoke Creator @LENGL @TTe extraño, te olvido, te amo (Ricky Martin) @Tcaco@mundivia.es
FILE @TMoça (Wando) @T(Karaoke by Lucia M.H.M.Leite) @T(Canta Brasil - http://www.geocities.com/lucialeite) \Mo ça, me es
/I was de fea ted, you won the war \Wa ter loo /Pro mise to love you for e ver more \Wa ter loo /Coul dn't es
\I turned on the lights, the T V /and the ra di o /still I can't es cape the ghost of you.
my com pa nion /I walk through her hills /'cause she knows who I am /She,sees my good deeds /and she kiss es
round /e very where you turn is heart ache /It's e very where that you go \You try e very thing you can to es
the co ver of Oc to ber skies /And all the leaves on the trees are fall ing /To the sound of the breez es
ti ves se /Pra voltar aos di as de cri ança /Eu não sei pra que a gen te cres ce /Se não sai da gen te es
quan ta ale gri a /Mais de mil pa lha ços no sa lão /A le crim es tá cho ran do /pe lo amor da Co lom bi na /No
e amor /A tua vi da é uma lin da can ção de amor /A bre teus bra ços e canta a úl ti ma espe rança /A es