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Some MIDI events such as pitch wheel, Bank Select, Channel Volume Control, Sustain pedal are used, to enhance the quality
Mon day even ing you would still /Be here with me \Mon day, Mon day /Can't trust that day /Mon day, Mon day /Some
For some unknown reason, the original transcriber used copious volume changes.
/There must have been some mag ic in /that old silk hat they found, /For when they put it on his head /
Mancini @TFrosty and Rudolph Medley 1950 @Tby James Pitt-Payne, London UK - 15 Dec 2009 @T2009 \There must have been some
\In the se fro zen and si lent nights /Some times in a dream /You ap pear.
girls don't seem to care what's on /As long as they play till dawn \No thing but blues and El vis /And some
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @T25 Minutes @TMichael Learns to Rock @TRemix and KAR by Estrada 29th October 2010 \Af ter some
Some of the instrumentals have been changed and it has been looped so it can be used during boss battles.
\Some one left the cake out in the rain, /and I don't think I can take it, /'Cause it took so long to
/Ev ery bo dy got pack a ges from home to day /And it's kind of sad /Watch ing how some of the boys /Are put
\Everybody knows a tur key /and some mis tle toe, /Help to make the sea son bright.
/Town to keep me mov in', /keep me groov in' with some e ner gy.
child ren's laugh ter /Re mind us how we used to be \Ev e ry bod y's search ing for a he ro /Peo ple need some
n't do for /The rare de light of, the sight of you, for; \The more I see you, the more I want you, /Some
day by day and mile on mile, /How ev er rough and long, /Let's greet each oth er with a smile /and sing some
\Cause I'm /Try in' to ex plain /Some thin's wrong /Ya just don't sound the same \Why don't you /Why don't you
\In old en days, a glimpse of stock ing /was looked on as some thing shock ing.
I've been a lone with you in side my mind /And in my dreams I've kissed your lips /A thou sand times \I some
Some MIDI events such as Sustain pedal, Channel Volume Control are used.