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entered by Veikko Hoffmeister @Ie-mail: vah2608@aol.com @LENGL @TIT NEVER RAINS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA @TAlbert Hammond \Got
When the smoke is go ing down \This is the place where I be long /I real ly love to turn you on /I've got
\Since the Yan kee come to Tri ni dad, /They got
Such a feel in's com in' o ver me /There is won der in most eve ry thing I see \Not a cloud in the sky /Got
\In my dreams I have a plan /If I got me a weal thy man, \I woul dn't have to work at all, /I'd fool
/Down by the ri ver side's \bound to be a bet ter ride /than what you've got planned.
/Don't wor ry, be hap py /Ain't got no place to lay y
/I'm just for got ten /a lone ly lit tle s
TKar by Geoffrey Carter 3rd January 2015 \We go hide a way in day light /We go un der cov er wait out the sun /Got
You're a smooth op er a tor /You're a real gone al li ga tor \Tell me, ba by /What you' re gon na do, /You've got
T<artist> @T<copyright> \ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah /ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah \She's got
can't make it go a way /No I can't stand the pain \How could this hap pen to me /I've made my mis takes /Got
cket, /O ne wa y ti cket, o ne wa y ti cket /To the blu es /Cho o cho o tra in a chug gin' down the track /Got
/(la la -la la la la la la la -la) /(la la -la la la la la -ee -oh -da) \San ta's got a lit tle friend, /
tain top /Burn ing like a sil ver flame \The sum mit of beau ty and love /And Ve nus was her name \She's got
@L3:34 @TDessert @TDawin ft Silentó @TRRME \They can im i tate you /But they can't du pli cate you /'Cause you got
child ren are crea ting \The other half ran away /Ta king all the cash and lea ving you with the lum ber \ Got
called \Fights and bat tles have be gun /re venge will su rely come /your hard ti mes are a head \Best, you've got
time when /the weath er is hot /You can stretch right up \and touch the sky /When the weath er's fine /You got
T.KAR file by Ken Vong (shampoo@unix.infoserve.net) \Mak ing your way in the world to day takes eve ry thing you got