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/Con tem pla ting a crime \She comes out of the sun in a silk dress run ning /Like a wa ter col or in the
MANEATEZ @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @V0100 @ILyrics entered with WinKaraoke Creator @LENGL \She'll on ly come out at night
es se re /Di chi spe ra /Ma nel mio cuo re /E' so lo mia \E mi fa pian ge re sos pi ra re /Co si' ce les te /She's
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TIntro @Tby Bridge @T(c) 2017 by M-LIVE S.r.l.
Donner Summer
literature club the song is about a girl wishing to be with the boy he likes but even with all the endless posibilities she
when当(你)想起 There was no one that you wanted more 没人比你要求更多的那段日子 Don't go you know you will break my heart 别走,你知道你会伤我的心 She
\She ran un der neath the ta ble, /he could see she was un a ble.
KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @KV0100 @I Lyrics entered by Raphael Pungin @I raphael@cnct.com @LENGL @TSUSSUSDIO @TPhil Collins \There's
title> @T<artist> @T<copyright> \ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah /ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah \She's
原唱SHE 林俊杰谱曲,洪敬尧编曲 midi作者RionChang 【不保证没有bug使用请注意】
However, she transforms into a kid-sized layabout and spends time at home with hobby addiction, much to Taihei's dismay.
Estrada 31st December 2013 @TPharrell Williams - Happy(2013) \It might seem cra zy /What I嚙練 about to say /Sun shine she's
@LENGL @TWONDERFUL TONIGHT @TEric Clapton \It's late in the eve ning /She's wond' ring what clothes to wear \She
bring her down, Natasha must deal with her history as a spy, and the broken relationships left in her wake long before she
/There's a sha dow han ging o ver me. /Oh yes ter day came sud den ly.