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\She's a per fect ten /but she wears a twelve, /Ba by keep a lit tle two for me.
KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TCOPACOBANA @TBarry Manilov @TKaraoke by Raphael Pungin (raphael@cnct.com) \Her name was Lo la, she
LENGL @TSomeone else's dream @TFaith Hill @TKaraoke by H.de Koning \Her mom ma's still got that se quin /gown that she
/Was to cer tain poor shep herds in fi elds as they lay; /In fields where they lay keep ing their she ep.
\She looks in the mir ror, /and stares at the wrin kles /that were'nt there yes ter day; \And thinks of the
School Yard @TPaul Simon @Tseq by ChartChai MeeSangNin - kar by Mike M \The ma ma pa ja ma rolled out a bed /And she
in \"It is al ways /Nice to see you" \Says the man /Be hind the coun ter \To the wo man /Who has come in \She
<fbento@unave.ua.pt> 15/05/96 @W @W*************** Have Fun **************** @W \Take a look at my girl friend /She
the morn ing /It was shat tered by a gun /Heard a scream, saw him fall, no one cried /I saw a moth er /She
@TL/M:Jim Funk/Erik Hickenlooper @TKar: Manny B Rodriguez 10-16-2002 \He works hard to give her all he thinks she
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TYOU AIN'T SEEN NOTHIN' YET @TBachman Turner Overdrive \I met a dev il wo man /She took
Trav el ling in a fried out com bie /On a hip pie trail, head full of zom bie, \I met a strange la dy, she
\And in my hour of dark ness /she is stan ding right in front of me /spea king words of wis dom, let it
till then /It will burn in side of me \I know where beau ty lives /I've seen it once, I know the warmth she
TBy Chris De Burgh @Tsequenced by G]ter Nagler (gnagler@ihm.tugraz.ac.at) \Oh, my heart is spinning like a wheel, /only she
Francisco \I walked in town on sil ver spurs that jing led to /A song that I had on ly sang to just a few /She
TDAYDREAM BELIEVER @TThe Monkees @Twritten by John Stewart \Oh, I could hide 'neath the wings /of the blue bird as she
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TGOOD VIBRATIONS @TThe Beach Boys \I, /I love the co lor ful clothes she wears, /And the
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @KV0100 @I Lyrics entered by Raphael Pungin @I raphael@cnct.com @LENGL @TROCKET MAN @TElton John \She