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stand, /And so we're, \Runn ing just as fast as we can , /Hold in' on to one a no ther's hand , /Try in' to get
/We knew we'd get there some day.
\But I tried and tried to for get you girl /but it's just so hard to do /eve ry time you do that th
\In this bright fu ture, you can't for get your past; /so dry your
as help less as a kit ten up a tree /and I feel like I'm clinging to a cloud \I can't un der stand /I get
be your downfall O-o-oh, O-o-oh, O-o-oh Here we go again, ashamed of being broken in We're getting off track, I wanna get
\When she gets there she knows, /if the stores are all closed, /with a word she can get what she came
/I need to get a way to fe el a gain.
live on your own /Hey hey He len /Can you make it a lone \So you're free at last /And be gin ning to for get
If you can make it here You'll make it a ny where That's what we've been told But the sto ry's get
time I see you /I break down and cry /And walk on by \And walk on by /And walk on by \I just can't get
/Let's get rea dy, and stea dy. /It's a hap py day. /Nod dy's on his way!!
/Where hus tle's the name of the game, /And nice guys get washed a way /like the snow and the rain.
/We all rea dy be gun to for get, \what the heart knows, the heart sees.
KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TLISTEN TO THE MUSIC @TDoobie Brothers \Don't you feel it grow in' day by day, /peo ple get
/And all the good you've done /Will soon get swept a way. /You've be gun to mat ter mor
\Ba by, if I made you mad /for some thing I might have said, \Please, let's for get the past, /the fu ture
V0100 @TMariah Carey - Don't forget about us @TKar by Lauriane Madison @Tlaurianemjj@hotmail.com @TMarch 2006 \(Don't for get
him live, dont let him die \Do you ev er ask your self /Is there a heaven in the sky /Why can t we get
TBette Midler (The Drifters) \Oh when the sun beats down and /melts the tar u pon the ro of /And your shoes get