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request=view_profile&query=84885 What did you think for Chiptune or MIDI so Let me know in the comments
SynthetizerV/Other vocal syths in especific, removing overlaped notes and cleaning the vocals, this edit was made in VOCALOID, so
the /win dow hides the lines /But noth ing hides /the col our of the /lights that shine /El ec tri ci ty's so
https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm44167259 kemu twitter https://twitter.com/kemu8888 世界计划https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/so44159556
如果摩天大楼会崩塌 就不要再去贪恋悬崖 再见不过是一种表达 别怕 灿烂星河如果能落下 就不必等待漫天烟花 我们的爱散落满地 被时间同化 你总习惯若即若离煽情者的戏码躲在面具后装聋作哑 我尽量让表现自然 假装的很优雅带不走的就留下 So
i found it so i hope you can enjoy it too
/So beat it, just beat it. \You bet ter run, you bet ter do what you can.
//tewem.tripod.com/Page_Midi.htm 试听https://cloud.189.cn/t/NFnu6bb2ENra(访问码:9ef2) 推荐Roland jv系列音源 该网站所有文件 http://mtw.so
We Say Goodbye Vs2 1944 Seven Lively Arts @Tby James Pitt-Payne, London UK - 11 Dec 2009 @T2009 \We love each oth er so
This MIDI is XG standard, so try to use tone generators that supports XG to play this file.
Bagula · Sep 11, 2024 Lyrics: Rivity Ravity Boo Then why am I so blue?
原曲https://youtu.be/ODuMEKNXFWg https://nico.ms/so43193860
\If you ever go down Tri ni dad, /They make you feel so ve ry glad, \Ca lyp so sing and make up rhyme, /Guar
月亮光光(天涯孤客) 徐小凤 作词: So Yung 作曲: Tadashi Yoshida 月亮光光 夜静更深对朗月 朗月清辉亮 行遍天涯离开家园沉痛看月亮 何堪天涯
record="1" mute="0" height_in_notes="22.00" solo="0" center_note="41.29"/><track record="1" mute="0" height_in_notes="22.00" so
FILE @LENGL @TAll you wanted @TMichelle Branch @TBy Kelly-Anne \I want ed to be like you /I want ed ev ery thing /So
(Lyric) @TRoar @TKatty Perry \I used to bite my tongue and hold my breath /Scared to rock the boat and make a mess \So
\Ne al gla vo san gon so i fan ta /Ghi la ho man ti ras fa mi li on: /Al la mond' e ter ne mi li tan ta /Ghi
かなり一人ひとりは疲つかれるけれど 見みせてあげましょ女粋おんないき So!