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as you were lea ving /But I guess that's just the way the sto ry goes /You al ways smile but in your eyes
KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TALWAYS @Tby Erasure @IKaraoke lyrics sequenced @Iby Jed Shlackman \O pen your e y es I see /Your eyes
ban ker ne ver wears a mack /In the pou ring rain, ve ry strange \Pen ny Lane is in my ears and in my eyes
\As the mid night mo on was drift ing thro ugh /the la zy sway of the trees, /I saw that look in your eyes
un sure /as I take you hand /and lead you to the dance floor \As the mu sic dies, some thing in your eyes
reach ing the end /Lett ers I've writt en /nev er mean ing to send /Beau ty I'd always missed /with these eyes
won't re gret /I'll come back beg ging you \Won't you for get /Wel come love we once knew \O pen up your eyes
This game that you play /You'll re gret it /If you de sert me this way /When there's no bo dy /To dry your eyes
\Eyes are holding right across the room, /high explosion coming out of the blue.
she sings /The six o 'clock a larm would ne ver ring \But it rings and I rise /Wipe the sleep out of my eyes
/There's a look I can't des cribe in your eyes.
minds \So where's that old friend I know /I thought I'd say hel lo /would I still see sus pic ion in your eyes
side /The tru th is n't far be hind me /You can't de ny /When I turn the ligh ts out /When I clo se my eyes
\The road is nar row and long /when eyes meet eyes /and the fee ling is strong.
chance to say \That I do be lieve I love you /And if you should e ver go a way /Well then close your eyes
Feel free to use
and in the wind \I had no il lu sions /That I'd e ver find a glimpse /Of sum mer's heat waves in your eyes
/At the hair on my col lar /and the age in my eyes \A m a n d a . . /light of my life . .
hotmail.com @TJuin 20041 \I don't wan na live wi thout your love \I can't i ma gine /Loo king in some one el se's eyes