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spe cial, in fact I'm a bit of a bore /If I tell a joke, you've pro ba bly heard it be fore \But I have
THE BRIDGE @Tby Red Hot Chili Peppers @IKaraoke lyrics sequenced @Iby Jed Shlackman \Some times I feel /like I don't have
FILE @LENGL @TGive a little bit @TSUPERTRAMP @TKaraoke by Filipe Bento <fbento@unave.ua.pt> 15/05/96 @W @W*************** Have
V0100 @I Lyrics entered by Patrick Matte @LENGL @TGROOVY KIND OF LOVE @TPhil Collins \When I'm fee ling blue, all I have
/I may not have a lot to give \but what I've got I give to you. /For I
\One, love that is shared by two /I have found with you.
Full of Rain @TCollin Ray \I be lieve I've att emp ted ev ery move that I know /I was sure that by now you'd have
tonight /So stick a round /You're gon na hear e lect ric mu sic /Solid walls of sound \Say, Candy and Ronnie, have
lit tle wild time /Had just be gun \I guess you kind of scared your self /You turn and run /But if you have
/He must have been a gar den er that cared a lot, /who weed ed out the tears and grew a good cro %- %+
we must bring sal va tion back /Where there is love, I'll be there \I'll reach out my hand to you /I'll have
in' eve ry day \When you were so in love with me /I played a round, like I was free \Thought I could have
\From So ho down to Brigh ton, /I must have played them all.