共找到 1087 条结果
tized by a strange de light /Un der a li lac tree \I made wine from the li lac tree /Put my heart in it's re
get that feeling \I want Sex u al Heal ing \Sex u al Heal ing, oh ba by \Makes me feel so fi ne \Helps to re
/And the re he was this young boy, /a stran ger to my eyes.
/Peace on earth, and mer cy mi ld, \God and sin ners re con ciled."
\Blue jeans sitt ing on the beach, /her dog's talk ing to me, but she's out of re
**************** @W \And I swe a r /by the moon and the stars in the sky /I 'll be th e re \I sw e ar /like
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TLarger Than Life @TBackstreet Boys @Tkar by Mike M \I may run and hide /When youエre scream
http://www2.plala.or.jp/n_tila/mididat/ ===============================================================================...
/You're my gui ding light ning strike \I can't find the words to say, /But they're o ver due, /I've travel led
\(When we do it) you're ne ver there. /(When you show it) just stop and stare.
get what you want /But you can get me /So let's set up and see /'Cause you are my me di cine /When you're
\Oh can't you see me stan ding here, /I've got my back agai ns t the re cord ma chine \I ain't the worst
that's full, \I've tra velled each /and ev 'ry high way /and more, much more than this, \I did it my way /Re
the sky /{Put them in the sky} /And wave them side to side /{Side to side} /Show the wor ld where you're
geu se \La Na ture est tu eu se \Au temps des Fa vo ri tes \Au tant de ré us si tes \Pour l'Hom me qui der rière
/No more false hoods or de ri sions, /gol den li ving dreams of vi sions, /mys tic crys tal re
(1976) @TAngelo Branduardi @TParoles: A.Branduardi, E.Roda Gil @TMusique: A.Branduardi @TKaraoké By Je@n-Mi \A la foi re
need more than my self this time \Step from the road to the sea to the sky /And I do be lieve that we re
/Do you re mem ber? \There seems no way to make up. /'Cos it seemed your mind
entered by Raphael Pungin @I email: br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TCROCODILE ROCK @TElton John & Bernie Taupin \I re