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when we're to ge ther, /And watch how you play, \They don't un der stand, /And so we're, \Runn ing just as fast
Red Beauty - 6-8_Fast.sty demo - -
ho hoah /Oh ho ho hoah /Oh ho ho hoah /Oh ho ho hoah \Everybody is /Kung Fu Fighting /Your mind becomes fast
fool your self /this love's too good to last /and i'm too old to dream ye e e e eh woo \don't grow up too fast
/I'm tired of fast moves, /I got a slow groo ve... on my mi nd. \I want a man with a sl ow hand.
/She took me in and gave me break fast. /And she said, \"Do you come from the land down un der?
TSummer Nights @TGREASE John Travolta/Olivia Newton-John \Summer lov in' had me a blast /summer lov in', happened so fast
did n't see me creep down the stairs /to have a peep; /She thought that I was tucked up in my /bed room fast
life's are li ving strange /where were you while we were get ting hig h /slow ly walk ing down the hall /fast
you / But not hing e ver hap pens / And I w on der / I'm dri ving a round in my car, / I'm dri ving too fast
. :) Special thanks goes out to Joshua Kaufmann, who helped me out with the fast flute part on track 3 :) Thanks also
in to my arms /Let me know the won der of all of you /Ba by I want you, /now, now, now and hold on fast
bout the li bra ry \Like she told her old man, now /And with the ra di o blas ting /Goes crui sin' just as fast
don't need much of an y thing /But sud den ly sud den ly \I am small and the world is big /All a round me is fast
Lyrics entered by Patrick Matte @I krystall@qbc.clic.net @LENGL @TWE GOT MARRIED @TPaul McCartney @T(McCartney) \Go ing fast
@I email: br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TTHE ONE @TElton John \I saw you dan cing out the o cean /Run ning fast