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@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TPRIDE (IN THE NAME OF LOVE) @Tby U2 @IKaraoke lyrics sequenced @Iby Jed Shlackman \One man
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TI Saw Her Standing There @TBeatles \Well she was just sev en teen, /if you know what
kind of hush all ov er /the world to night /All ov er the world you can hear /the sounds of lov ers in love
\And when we hear the voi ces sing, /the book of love will o pen up and let us in.
you make me live /what ever this world can give to me /It's you, you're all I see /Ooo, you make me live
\What a glo ri ous feel ing, /I'm hap py a gain. \I'm laugh ing at clouds, /so dark up a bove.
KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TSuspicious Minds @TElvis Presley \We're caught in a trap /I can't walk out /Be cause I love
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TWITH A LITTLE HELP FROM MY FRIENDS @Tby Joe Cocker @Tkaraoke'd by Uwe Trempelmann \What would
Jane /When I see you a gain /Your ser vant am I \And with hum bly re main /Just heed this plea, my love
should go \If you should go /If you should go \Que se ra, mi vi da /How I'm gon na live with out your love
\What a glo ri ous feel ing, /I'm hap py a gain. \I'm laugh ing at clouds /so dark up a bove.
was not ea sy /But I can breathe /And I'm so grate ful 'cause I can see /I am fre e to do ex act ly what
Lyrics entered by Raphael Pungin @I email: br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TMORE THAN WORDS @TExtreme \Say ing "I love
EYES @TDebbie Gibson \I get lost in your eyes /And I feel my spi rits rise \And soar like the wind /Is it love
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TLet's Stay Together/Al Green @TWillie Mitchell,Al Green, Al Jackson \I, I'm s o in love
in the dark /Fee ling your heart beat with mine \Soft ly you whis per, you're so sin cere /How could our love
grape fruit wine \Kick off your high heeled snea kers /It's par ty time \The girls don't seem to care what's
\You taught me how to love, /what it's of, what it's of. /You nev er said to
keep on tal king /'till I can't go on \While you see it your way /Run the risk of kno wing /that our love