共找到 6 条结果
Lead Brass Lead Organ Funk Guitr Dist Guitr Synth Pad Bass Drums Guitr Noiz Guit Noiz2 Gun Shot Strings
I shot for a kindof fast and sneaky style, and I both think it turned out great and very agent-themy, if that now is a word
Estrada 7th May 2014 \Kick your ass to heav en /With rock 'n roll to night /I'll make this night a spe cial one
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TYou give love a bad name @Tby Jon Bon Jovi @TKaraoke by H.de Koning \Shot through the heart
Ken Vong (synergy@express.ca) \Hey litt le sis ter what have you done /Hey litt le sist er who's the on ly one