Uploaded by likeaduck on Oct 22, 2020



XP 672

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Mo Ve Co Be Yeu

"MÕ VÊÌ CÔ BEì YÊU" is a MIDI music piece in Pop Music style, played by an ensemble of 35 instruments including Acoustic Guitar (steel), Clarinet, Electric Bass (finger), Lead 2 (sawtooth), Synth Strings 2, Ensemble Strings, Lead 1 (square), Lead 7 (fifths), and Syn Brass 1.

The total duration of this midi music is 4 minutes and 45 seconds, with a total of 8,465 notes, Stored in a TYPE 0 format file which has only one track, and a single tempo of 120bpm.

Some MIDI events such as pitch wheel, Channel Volume Control, Pan are used, to enhance the quality.


Beì diòu daÌng laÌm sao
trong maÌu aìo
xinh thâòt xinh
býõìc nheò nhaÌng thâòt mau
ði vêÌ ðâu
chãìc chung ðýõÌng
muôìn laòi gâÌn gâÌn hõn
xin ðýõòc sôì phone
laÌm quen
thêì maÌ naÌng laÌm thinh
ôi dýõÌng nhý
naìt tim miÌnh
NhiÌn cô em
loÌng ngâìt ngây
muôìn yêu ngýõÌi
ðýÌng ði nhanh
ðýÌng liêìc ngang
naÌy cô beì
ÐýÌng ði vôòi nheì
õi naÌy cô beì õi
haÞy noìi haÞy noìi
võìi nhau môòt lõÌi
cho ðõÌi lên tiêìng yêu
aình mãìt âìy ðaÞ
khiêìn tôi mong chõÌ
vêÌ nhõì nhung

Copyright: CAO MINH THU

Pop Music    Mo

Standard Midi File Properties

Standard Midi File Properties

Channels and Instruments

Used 14 channels, 13 instruments, 22 percussion instruments

  • 1


    543 notes/chords,avg. pitch B4

    Program ID: 71, Track: 0

    time: 00:21 - 04:35

    pitch: D#4 - F5

  • 2
    Electric Bass (finger)

    Electric Bass (finger)

    482 notes/chords,avg. pitch D#2

    Program ID: 33, Track: 0

    time: 00:03 - 04:40

    pitch: G#1 - G#2

  • 3
    Acoustic Guitar (steel)

    Acoustic Guitar (steel)

    1,544 notes/chords,avg. pitch G3

    Program ID: 25, Track: 0

    time: 00:21 - 04:37

    pitch: C3 - C#4

  • 4
    Lead 7 (fifths)

    Lead 7 (fifths)

    92 notes/chords,avg. pitch G5

    Program ID: 86, Track: 0

    time: 00:03 - 03:08

    pitch: D#5 - C6

  • 5
    Ensemble Strings

    Ensemble Strings

    99 notes/chords,avg. pitch E5

    Program ID: 48, Track: 0

    time: 00:47 - 04:35

    pitch: F4 - D#6

  • 6
    Choir Aahs

    Choir Aahs

    86 notes/chords,avg. pitch G4

    Program ID: 52, Track: 0

    time: 00:03 - 04:35

    pitch: C4 - C#5

  • 7
    Orchestra Hit

    Orchestra Hit

    49 notes/chords,avg. pitch A#4

    Program ID: 55, Track: 0

    time: 01:01 - 04:40

    pitch: C4 - G#5

  • 8
    Synth Strings 2

    Synth Strings 2

    114 notes/chords,avg. pitch G3

    Program ID: 51, Track: 0

    time: 00:03 - 04:35

    pitch: C3 - C#4

  • 9
    Lead 2 (sawtooth)

    Lead 2 (sawtooth)

    134 notes/chords,avg. pitch A#4

    Program ID: 81, Track: 0

    time: 00:09 - 03:39

    pitch: G#3 - F6

  • 12
    Lead 1 (square)

    Lead 1 (square)

    96 notes/chords,avg. pitch C#4

    Program ID: 80, Track: 0

    time: 00:03 - 03:09

    pitch: D#3 - F6

  • 13
    Syn Brass 1

    Syn Brass 1

    90 notes/chords,avg. pitch G4

    Program ID: 62, Track: 0

    time: 00:03 - 03:08

    pitch: D#4 - C5

  • 14
    Percussive Organ

    Percussive Organ

    56 notes/chords,avg. pitch B4

    Program ID: 17, Track: 0

    time: 02:40 - 02:54

    pitch: D#4 - C5

  • 15
    Synth Bass 1

    Synth Bass 1

    17 notes/chords,avg. pitch F1

    Program ID: 38, Track: 0

    time: 02:47 - 02:55

    pitch: D#1 - F#1

  • 10

    percussion instruments

    Bass Drum 1 Acoustic Snare Electric Snare Closed Hi-Hat High Floor Tom Low Tom Open Hi-Hat Low Mid Tom High Mid Tom Crash Cymbal 1 Ride Cymbal 1 Ride Bell Tambourine Splash Cymbal Crash Cymbal 2 High Bongo Mute High Conga Open High Conga Low Conga High Agogo Low Agogo Cabase


only 1 track is used, 1 track has notes

# Name Channel(s) Instrument(s)
0 MÕ VÊÌ CÔ BEì YÊU 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15 ClarinetElectric Bass (finger)Acoustic Guitar (steel)Lead 7 (fifths)Ensemble StringsChoir AahsOrchestra HitSynth Strings 2Lead 2 (sawtooth)Lead 1 (square)Syn Brass 1Percussive OrganSynth Bass 1 Bass Drum 1Acoustic SnareElectric SnareClosed Hi-HatHigh Floor TomLow TomOpen Hi-HatLow Mid TomHigh Mid TomCrash Cymbal 1Ride Cymbal 1Ride BellTambourineSplash CymbalCrash Cymbal 2High BongoMute High CongaOpen High CongaLow CongaHigh AgogoLow AgogoCabase

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Happy_589235 XP 1242
8 months ago 1#

MÕ VÊÌ CÔ BEì YÊUα这首真的太有感觉了,谢谢大佬分享!,大佬的音乐真是超凡脱俗!!