
Uploaded by Javed—Jiang on Jun 14, 2021



XP 483

Joined 4 years ago



让我们荡起双桨 hard版本旋律

"让我们荡起双桨" is a MIDI music piece in Children's Music style, played by Acoustic Grand Piano solo.

This music is short, 24 seconds, with a total of 54 notes, divided into 28 tracks, and a single tempo of 170bpm.

The 让我们荡起双桨.mid file uses only one instrument and is located on one track, which can be regarded as a single-track MIDI file.

the marked beat is 4/4.

Some MIDI events such as pitch wheel, Channel Volume Control are used.


Children's Music   

Standard Midi File Properties

Standard Midi File Properties

Channels and Instruments

Used 1 channel, 1 instrument

  • 8
    Acoustic Grand Piano

    Acoustic Grand Piano

    48 notes/chords,avg. pitch F#5

    Program ID: 0, Track: 10

    time: 00:00 - 00:23

    pitch: B4 - D6


28 tracks are used, 1 track has notes

# Name Channel(s) Instrument(s)
2 808 Kick
3 808 Clap
4 808 HiHat
5 808 Snare
6 TruePianos x64
7 TruePianos x64 #2
8 TruePianos x64 #3
9 MIDI Out
10 Sylenth1 8 Acoustic Grand Piano
11 Spire_x64_v1.1.16 #9
12 Sylenth1 #3
13 Spire_x64_v1.1.16 #2
14 Sylenth1 #2
15 Spire_x64_v1.1.16 #4
16 05.30
17 04.12 Hardstyle Lead 005
18 04.12 Hardstyle Lead 005 #2
19 Hardstyle Chord 001
20 HeadHunterz Chord
21 Spire_x64_v1.1.16 #7
22 Spire_x64_v1.1.16 #6
23 Spire_x64_v1.1.16 #8
24 Nexus3.39
25 Bass 001
26 Bass 001 #2
27 Nexus3.39 #2

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