
Uploaded by Happy_260560 on Jun 15, 2023



XP 641

Joined 3 years ago




"レイトン教授のテーマ" is a MIDI music piece in Pop Music style, played by an ensemble of 14 instruments including Acoustic Grand Piano, Tango Accordion, Violin, Synth Strings 2, unknown, and Acoustic Bass Drum.

The total duration of this midi music is 2 minutes and 3 seconds, with a total of 1,736 notes, divided into 9 tracks, the initial tempo is 300bpm, the min tempo is 110bpm.

The key signature marked in the MIDI file is E♭ major, the marked beat is 4/4.

Some MIDI events such as Channel Volume Control, Pan, Modulation Wheel are used, to enhance the quality.

Composer: unknown
Copyright: Copyright(C) by 西浦智仁 / MIDI by Misticia

Pop Music   

Standard Midi File Properties

Standard Midi File Properties

Channels and Instruments

Used 6 channels, 4 instruments, 10 percussion instruments

  • 1
    Acoustic Grand Piano

    Acoustic Grand Piano

    303 notes/chords,avg. pitch C#4

    Program ID: 0, Track: 2

    time: 00:00 - 01:54

    pitch: C3 - C5

  • 4
    Acoustic Grand Piano

    Acoustic Grand Piano

    252 notes/chords,avg. pitch G#2

    Program ID: 0, Track: 3

    time: 00:01 - 01:54

    pitch: G1 - D#3

  • 5


    116 notes/chords,avg. pitch G4

    Program ID: 40, Track: 4

    time: 00:05 - 01:55

    pitch: G3 - A#5

  • 6
    Synth Strings 2

    Synth Strings 2

    116 notes/chords,avg. pitch G4

    Program ID: 51, Track: 5

    time: 00:05 - 01:55

    pitch: G3 - A#5

  • 7
    Tango Accordion

    Tango Accordion

    247 notes/chords,avg. pitch C#5

    Program ID: 23, Track: 6

    time: 00:22 - 01:53

    pitch: G3 - C6

  • 10

    percussion instruments

    Acoustic Bass Drum Low Floor Tom Closed Hi-Hat Open Hi-Hat Crash Cymbal 1 Ride Cymbal 1 Splash Cymbal Cabase Maracas


9 tracks are used, 6 tracks have notes

# Name Channel(s) Instrument(s)
0 レイトン教授のテーマ
2 1ピアノ中高音 1 Acoustic Grand Piano
3 4ABピアノ低音 4 Acoustic Grand Piano
4 5バイオリン 5 Violin
5 バイオリン強化ストリングス 6 Synth Strings 2
6 7アコーディオン 7 Tango Accordion
7 8
8 10ドラム 10 Acoustic Bass DrumLow Floor TomClosed Hi-HatOpen Hi-HatCrash Cymbal 1Ride Cymbal 1Splash CymbalCabaseMaracas

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